About the NOFA Journal
The Northern Ohio Foot and Ankle Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, dedicated to medical and surgical management of the foot and ankle and research. All articles are original, written by foot and ankle specialists and edited by our NOFA Foundation Editorial Board.
Dr. Mark Hardy
Dr. James Connors
Dr. Jon Sharpe
Dr. Jennifer Prezioso
Dr. Molly Judge
Manuscript Subscription
Please review the Submission Criteria (below) prior to your submission. Submissions that don t meet
these requirements will be returned. Submissions are to be sent via e-mail, to info@nofafoundation.org.
Be sure to review all of the following guidelines & criteria in the sections below prior to submitting.
Submission Criteria Checklist
- Manuscript has not previously been published, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere
- Manuscript is written in English
- Manuscript adheres to formatting guidelines (see below)
Manuscripts should be submitted with the following:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgements
- Reference
- Figure/Table/Graph captions
Formatting Guidelines
All articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word 1997 2003 or newer. Submissions must include the following items. Read the ICMJE guidelines for information on preparing the Title Page and Manuscript.
- Title Page
- Manuscript
- Upon acceptance, a Copyright Transfer Agreement will be sent to the lead author
- Figures or Tables (JPEG format, at least 300dpi)
Title Page Guidelines
The Title Page should be submitted with the following:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Author Affiliations
- Funding declaration
- Conflict of interest declaration
Figures, Tables & Graphs Guidelines
All visual media must be sent in JPEG format with a minimum of 300dpi. If the figures/graphics/tables/images have been taken from sources not copyrighted by the author, it is the author’s sole responsibility to secure the rights from the copyright holder to reproduce the
works for both worldwide print and web publication. All reproduction costs charged by the copyright holder will be the responsibility of the author and corresponding author(s).
When images are reproduced, a parenthesis should be added to the figure legend thus: (Reproduced with permission from . . .)
References Guidelines
Should follow the standard biomedical format. In the manuscript, number the references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in the text by brackets [] at the end of the sentence, ie:
- Salvage procedures after failed ankle replacement may include revision, arthrodesis, and even amputation [1].
The references should be listed numerically at the end of the manuscript, and follow biomedical format. All references should be linked to its corresponding URL or PubMed link. Do not send any manuscript without confirming reference links, ie:
- Leurs R, Church MK, Taglialatela M. H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti-inflammatory actions and cardiac effects. Clin
Exp Allergy 2002 Apr;32(4):489-98. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11972592)
Leurs R, Church MK, Taglialatela M. H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti-inflammatory actions and cardiac effects. Clin
Exp Allergy 2002 Apr;32(4):489-98. (PubMed)
Information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should be cited in the text as ‘unpublished observation(s)’ or ‘personal communication’. For additional information and key of how to abbreviate medical journal names, please consult the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus.